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There is a magnificent blue planet, named Ora, orbiting the red giant star Arcturus, “Ohora”, in the Bootes constellation, 36 light years from your solar system. It harbors one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy. The three cultural groups are the Gladeai (Glaideans), the Noo-Linni (Noolinns) and the Ohorai (Ohorans). These three cultures are ancient and highly developed, technologically and spiritually. They can manifest into the 3rd density physically but originally exist in a higher state of frequency. Density shift is not an obstacle for them.


© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan

© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan

The Ohorai, 8 Ft tall, blue skin people, are those among these three races involved with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, who are as well member of the Andromedan Coucncil (Zenate). They are regarded as wise people, also known by the title “Great Ohoran Elders”. Ohorai are known for their abilities for healing, transforming matter and even bending light itself. They accomplish these things with their conscious mind and the “Ohorai Way” is a spiritual practice renown through the galaxy as an art of the spirit. This daily practice is very popular and you could assimilate it to meditation although it is way more powerful than that and reaches out to a greater diversity of levels of consciousness. The right word to name it would be: “Atuning”. Many cultures throughout the galaxy teach their children since an early age the Ohorai technics of spiritual attuning, as to become an essential routine in their life. Keeping naturally connected to Source via our personal channel, in perfect awareness, leads to never losing our way through the disturbances of life, and always stay attuned to the Light and the ways of morality, objectivity and justice.

© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan

The Gladeai (here on the right) live on the same planet as the Ohorai and Noo-Lin, but in 5th and 6th Density. Ora is a gas giant type planet with a dozen of rocky moons, and the Gladeiai developped their civilization on most of them. They are a lesser evolved offshoot of the Ohorai but they are at the origin the same species. They also practice the Ohoran Ways, and are members of the Galactic federation of worlds. Gladeai have blue skin and measure about 7Ft tall in general. They are peaceful people but very discrete and unwelcoming, in the desire to protect their civilization from unwanted intruders. Because of the difficulty to approach Ora’s moons, thanks to the Gladeiai, Ora remains very protected and the Ohorai call them The Guardians”.


© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan


© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan

© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan

Tall, pale humanoid race with astonishing emerald eyes, the Noo-Lin are a unique humanoid species living on Ora Mura (“10”), a large iced moon orbiting the gas giant. Noo-Lin are a discrete society as well, although a hospitable culture. They are members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds and interested in commerce and cultural exchanges, in particular artistic expressions such as holographic arts and music. The Noo-Lin, together with the Ohorai, enroled into the Envoy Program to Terra. They are a space faring nation and own a small defence fleet.
The Noo-Lin are a very kind people, an interfaced consciousness, who live in a spirit of sharing everything. None owns any personal material posession, everything is shared, as well as the raising and education of youngsters. Once they are born, similarly to much more cultures than we think in this galaxy, the children are owned by the planetary community. They are raised in a multi-level “school”, where they develop their individual abilities and interests. The Noo-lin are a fascinating culture to discover and to learn from.

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